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"There are not over a hundred people in the United States who hate the Catholic Church. There are millions, however, who hate what they wrongly believe to be the Catholic Church, which is, of course, quite a different thing."
-Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
Placating terrorists, meeting with dictators, compassion for murderers... but no humanity for the unborn... incredible.


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Registered: 09-2005
Posts: 2111
New Evidence that Pius XII Helped Jews during WWII


Krupp continued: "Since presumed history has been the justification for hatred, vendettas and wars throughout civilized human existence, aren't the historians charged with a moral and vital responsibility to get the story straight? People are killed every day because of historical vendettas.

"A personal disappointment resulting from our research was the realization that we all have been let down by many who represent themselves as historians.

"These individuals, with private agendas, have simply failed to research the evidence of this era properly and have remained silent when the absurd fanatics manipulate the truth."

If our foundation, he said, as "amateur fact finders, can uncover so much information, how is it that the so-called historians and academic institutions have allowed the 46-year-old assessment of Pius XII to continue unchallenged, impacting the opinions and relationships of over one billion people?"


Nothing by force, but everything by charity.

Ss. Thomas Aquinas and Augustine, pray for us.
Jun/18/2009, 4:32 pm Link to this post Send Email to Michael D   Send PM to Michael D

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