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"There are not over a hundred people in the United States who hate the Catholic Church. There are millions, however, who hate what they wrongly believe to be the Catholic Church, which is, of course, quite a different thing."
-Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
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Registered: 09-2005
Posts: 2111
America's Eulogy


"The United States is declining as a nation and a world power with mostly sighs and shrugs to mark this seismic event," writes Les Gelb, president emeritus of the Council on Foreign Relations, in CFR's Foreign Affairs magazine. "Astonishingly, some people do not appear to realize that the situation is all that serious."


Nothing by force, but everything by charity.

Ss. Thomas Aquinas and Augustine, pray for us.
Jul/17/2009, 9:39 am Link to this post Send Email to Michael D   Send PM to Michael D
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Registered: 08-2005
Posts: 1515
Re: America's Eulogy

From the forums

"Support for Obama on healthcare slips: poll"

"Obama's plan is eliminate health insurance companies so that whites can't buy better health insurance. That means whites never get better health care than non-whites. This means a permanent reduction in health care for whites. "

"The radical and obsessed with Obama left doesn't care -- their logic is simple -- they are entitled, they are the victim, they are outraged (damnit!) and the evil, greedy entities of America, ie men, women, and companies owe them, and that's that.

Fueled by an insatiable hatred of the nation that has given them everything, they demonize men and women who sweated and worked their way up, small and large companies which actually create value, jobs, pay salaries and taxes, and then turn around and demand OTHERS' money for THEIR OWN agenda.

Amazing, pure hatred for industry, entrepreneurs, small business, and of course anyone and everyone making more than them.

The same self-loathing and ingratitude has them hating the CIA and Military too.

As expected taking prosperity and security for granted. And govt, our friends, is not a growth industry.

Their warped and perverse view of the world is simple: the US is the only problem in the world, all others, Russia, terrorists, N Korea, are all okay, its just the US -- hence America is in dire need for radical restructuring, ie massive taxation and control from above.

Funny isn't it, the very entities they despise, successful individuals and companies are needed to fund their handouts and government spending.

"We hate you! But hurry up and work, create value, because we need YOUR money!! But I still hate you greedy capitalist!" Don't kill the golden goose lefties, you depend on it.

Pathetic, where did we get such weak, ungrateful, entitled clowns -- complaining is a way of life for them -- no interest in working hard or personal responsibility -- pitiful -- Democrats, shed yourselves of the far left, its sinking you.

Amazing, take the opportunities, prosperity, security, and stability of the US for granted -- and then spit and curse on it.

Shameless and hypocritical, the liberal way."

"The Ambien & Zoloft is wearing off...welcome home, America!!"

"Of course his popularity and support are declining. Americans are beginning to see who he truly is: racist, elitist, anti-American, unprepared for the job, etc. He is a sorry excuse for President and is managing to thrust this country into third world status"

"King Obama, I want my vote back! I don't want to live on your plantation any more."

"Even his teleprompter cannot help him now. Anti-American, anti-white, born in Kenya... the biggest fraud ever perpetuated on America ... wake up ...and start demanding him to unseal his records... where is the TRANSPARENCY barry ??"

"I'll be on Medicare in a few short years. Seniors would be insane to support Obama's plan which will take even more money out of Medicare, to be spent on illegal aliens. Yes, Obama cares more about illegal aliens than seniors!"
Jul/20/2009, 2:43 pm Link to this post Send Email to AdMajoremDeiGloriam   Send PM to AdMajoremDeiGloriam
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Registered: 09-2005
Posts: 2111
Re: America's Eulogy

Yep. He is being as radical as he possibly can as soon as he can. Check you PMs.

Last edited by Michael D, Jul/20/2009, 2:56 pm

Nothing by force, but everything by charity.

Ss. Thomas Aquinas and Augustine, pray for us.
Jul/20/2009, 2:51 pm Link to this post Send Email to Michael D   Send PM to Michael D
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Registered: 08-2005
Posts: 1515
Re: America's Eulogy

"No wonder the rush! As the details come out his numbers plummet!"

"America is beginng to wake up to this deceitful and fraud of a man and administration. Utterly terrifying that someone so inexperienced and ill-prepared got elected in the first place."

"When will the liberal media catch up with the general public? The liberal media still has slobbering goo goo eyes for Obama and it’s not reflective of the reality of his performance or faltering PR image. By the way, didn’t Obama criticize excessive, flamboyant spending? How did Michelle’s publicly financed private jet shopping spree to London go?"

"As I see it, we the citizenry are screwed in the United States of America, because both political parties are corrupt and they don't care about the people that put them into office."

"Obama is a flim flam man pure and simple.
He will say whatever the particular group he is speaking too, wants to hear. He has no clue what he is doing. His cowering to other countries failed miserably, Iran just laughs, Putin in Russia discards him as fluff, the whole world knows that what he says means nothing.
Obama is like Zig Zigler, a motivational speaker, and he is damn good at it as long as his telepromter is working. When its not he can barely speak. 52% of the people fell for this nonsense, he has already poured money into the liberals favorite causes and called it stimulus. Remember his statements about shovel ready, will create 4 million jobs this summer. The man has no clue what he is talking about. You people who think your going to get better health care cheaper are in for a huge surprise."

and the best

"You folks wanted CHANGE. You got it."

Jul/20/2009, 2:56 pm Link to this post Send Email to AdMajoremDeiGloriam   Send PM to AdMajoremDeiGloriam
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Registered: 09-2005
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Re: America's Eulogy

The people were willing to vote for a man they knew next to nothing about. They projected onto a blank of a man exactly what they wanted their president to be. He is a corrupt, very left wing Chicago pol who may not even be a U.S. citizen, let alone natural born. He has driven a knife into what remained of our industrial capacity, the automobile industry. He is attempting to take over the health care industry. Just wait till the airlines start going bankrupt this fall. Then we will have our own Aeroflot.

Nothing by force, but everything by charity.

Ss. Thomas Aquinas and Augustine, pray for us.
Jul/20/2009, 3:13 pm Link to this post Send Email to Michael D   Send PM to Michael D
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Registered: 08-2005
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Re: America's Eulogy

It's far worse than that Michael - you are going to be replaced as a people - even Pol Pot didn't do that.

Say hello to the byzantines.
Jul/23/2009, 8:39 am Link to this post Send Email to AdMajoremDeiGloriam   Send PM to AdMajoremDeiGloriam
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Registered: 09-2005
Posts: 2111
Re: America's Eulogy

Yeah, well. So will you.

Nothing by force, but everything by charity.

Ss. Thomas Aquinas and Augustine, pray for us.
Jul/23/2009, 8:55 am Link to this post Send Email to Michael D   Send PM to Michael D
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Registered: 08-2005
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Re: America's Eulogy

Not quite my friend - I left that PC-infested area long ago . Like in LOTR - there are some who resisted emoticon
Jul/23/2009, 10:22 am Link to this post Send Email to AdMajoremDeiGloriam   Send PM to AdMajoremDeiGloriam
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Registered: 09-2005
Posts: 2111
Re: America's Eulogy

.Men are weak. The Blood of Numenor is all but spent, ... There's no strength left in the world of Men. They're scattered, divided, leaderless

Nothing by force, but everything by charity.

Ss. Thomas Aquinas and Augustine, pray for us.
Jul/23/2009, 11:07 am Link to this post Send Email to Michael D   Send PM to Michael D
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Registered: 08-2005
Posts: 1515
Re: America's Eulogy

We will all be put to the test. The PC world is crumbling anyway.

"Obama remark on black scholar's arrest angers cops"

LE - is that too much to handle as well ? emoticon

Last edited by AdMajoremDeiGloriam, Jul/24/2009, 9:05 am
Jul/23/2009, 11:55 pm Link to this post Send Email to AdMajoremDeiGloriam   Send PM to AdMajoremDeiGloriam

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