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Registered: 12-2005
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Re: Book says Bush just using Christians

My Catholic best friend voted for Kerry because of the Iraq War issue. A former Catholic co-worker friend voted for Bush because of the abortion issue. I knew he would. Abortion has always been his #1 politically defining issue. It is interesting that the two of you voted for neither one. I voted for the Green Party for the 2nd time in a row, due to the environmental issue.

Tony - I disagree with your dad and all those who say that we waste our vote if we do not vote for the Repub or the Dem. I say that it is a wasted vote to vote for someone that you do not truly support.
Oct/12/2006, 10:56 pm Link to this post Send Email to Nordiclover   Send PM to Nordiclover
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Registered: 09-2005
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Re: Book says Bush just using Christians


I disagree with your dad and all those who say that we waste our vote if we do not vote for the Repub or the Dem. I say that it is a wasted vote to vote for someone that you do not truly support.

The only wasted votes are the ones for either the Republicans or Democrats. No reform will ever come from those.

Nothing by force, but everything by charity.

Ss. Thomas Aquinas and Augustine, pray for us.
Oct/13/2006, 8:57 am Link to this post Send Email to Michael D   Send PM to Michael D
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Registered: 09-2005
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Re: More Republican Hypocrisy


Oct. 13, 2006 — Arguments among Christian conservatives — primarily that many of the gay men caught up in the Mark Foley scandal prove that Republicans have been too tolerant — threaten to tear the party apart.

"It's time for what we call a 'Come to Jesus Meeting,'" said Rev. Lou Sheldon of the Traditional Values Coalition. "Homosexuality is a dysfunctional lifestyle, and it must be addressed."

"Has the social agenda of the GOP been stalled by homosexual members and/or staffers?" Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council wrote in an e-mail to activists. "Does the party want to represent values voters or Mark Foley and friends?"

But gay Republicans say this is sheer bigotry.

"Sexual orientation had nothing to do with what happened here," Patrick Sammon, executive vice president of the Log Cabin Republicans, said. "And the anti-gay group should be ashamed for what they're trying to do."

It is often labeled an open secret on Capitol Hill that even Republican officeholders who are the most hostile to gay rights in public have gay staffers and are much more tolerant of gays in private than their public personas might imply.

In the executive branch of the federal government, the President Bush White House won a second term partly by campaigning against gay marriage.

"Our society is better off when marriage is defined as between a man and a woman," Bush said in August 2004 at a campaign stop in New Mexico.

But while the president has openly admonished gay marriage, others in the administration have seemed perfectly accepting of such unions.

This week Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice swore in AIDS czar Dr. Mark Dybul, who is openly gay. His partner, Jason Claire, held the Bible.

With first lady Laura Bush looking on approvingly, Rice singled out Claire as Dybul's partner and referred to Claire's mother as Dybul's mother-in-law.

"You have wonderful family to support you, Mark," Rice said.

John Aravosis, an openly gay man who once worked for conservative Republican Sen. Ted Stevens of Alaska, said these seeming contradictions reveal Republican hypocrisy.


Nothing by force, but everything by charity.

Ss. Thomas Aquinas and Augustine, pray for us.
Oct/14/2006, 8:42 am Link to this post Send Email to Michael D   Send PM to Michael D
AdMajoremDeiGloriam Profile
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Registered: 08-2005
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Book says Bush just using Christians

Michael , it's sad to see that some of muslim enemies are more honest that our lukewarm leaders . Interesting enough , some still believe EU to be "secular" as opposed to a "christian" USA . By most accounts , USA will end up as a pagan dictatorship , and EU as a huge theme park for the caliphate . Eastern Europe / Russia may end up as a "dark age" xenophobic society because of their huge natural resources which give them independence . I am honestly not sorry for the west - there is a need for a fresh start .

It will be interesting to see how the lukewarms will react to a terror campaign inside the US - most likely the fundamentalists will gather even more power . If we look at the numbers , muslims are growing fast inside the US too - so it will not be a boring age for sure .
Oct/14/2006, 9:19 am Link to this post Send Email to AdMajoremDeiGloriam   Send PM to AdMajoremDeiGloriam
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Registered: 09-2005
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Re: Book says Bush just using Christians


it's sad to see that some of muslim enemies are more honest that our lukewarm leaders .

Maybe that is why our Pope's turn to the Muslims as potential allies in the cultural struggles in the world. They may be heretics but at least they believe in a God who sets standards.

Nothing by force, but everything by charity.

Ss. Thomas Aquinas and Augustine, pray for us.
Oct/14/2006, 9:52 am Link to this post Send Email to Michael D   Send PM to Michael D
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Registered: 08-2005
Posts: 1515
Book says Bush just using Christians

"Maybe that is why our Pope's turn to the Muslims as potential allies in the cultural struggles in the world. "

An interesting idea - but you must not ignore the details - forced conversion in muslim-occupied lands is one of them .
But if you look carefully at my posts , you will notice that I have said many times that the secular people will fight ( and loose ) versus islam , and that the underground church will survive all that . I'm sure that imposing sharia law in the west is preferable to a Sodom-type incident .

It's so amusing - the anti-christians who are rejoicing because of the downfall of western christianity will soon find themselves in a better position to evaluate the virtues of christianity - as compared to the muslim rule - honour killings , public stonings and so on . Not even the communists were so radical .

Look at N Korea - a tiny determined community can go ahead against huge confused enemies , if they play their cards right . The islamists need only to scare everybody else , and the rest will cave in - just look at Iraq now - a perfect place for radical muslims . Turkey will soon fall into islamists hands , mark my words , because of the armenians and the kurds . The domino effect will reach the huge german turkish community , and will hasten greatly the appearance of "muslim" Europe . The conflict in the ME will suddenly be exported in the western world .

I'm genuinely interested to see if the lukewarms will turn to some form of faith in order to boost their morale in the future fight for survival .
Oct/14/2006, 10:26 am Link to this post Send Email to AdMajoremDeiGloriam   Send PM to AdMajoremDeiGloriam

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