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nattyjk Profile
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Registered: 09-2005
Posts: 445
The murder of the abortionist Dr. Tiller

I've gotten myself involved in a debate on this topic over on Crunchy Con:

Here is part of an exchange between me and 2 other posters:


Yeah, because, you know, pro-aborts aren't using Tiller's tragic death to accuse an entire body of people of being terrorists or anything because of what one person did and feed off of the backlash from the tragic incident like sharks who find blood in the water. And there aren't some pro-aborts secretly (or not-so-secretly) rejoicing in Tiller's death because of the discredit it brings to the pro-lifers. Okee.

Moral superiority is a shaky position when it is balancing on the lives of millions of murdered children.

"When you condemn the murder you do it couched in the rhetoric of how many babies have died."

That's a dishonest statement. Their comments were made in response to the vilification of an entire group of people, themselves included, as whackos and terrorists because of this incident, not the murder of Tiller. For example:

"I think the organizations that push Pro-Life agenda ought to be treated like the terrorist that they are. I see no difference between extremist fought in Afghanistan and Pro-Life extremist.
I hope the FBI and our judicial system purge our streets of these extremist."

"These murderous scum ARE the "Pro-Life" movement, a movement that stands for oppression of women, a Talibanesque world view, and a tyrannical religious extremism that is diametrically opposed to the American ideal."

"Freeeking loons, all of you for taking such a hard-lined stand on Abortion, and putting the taliban-like opression on professional, law abiding doctors."

But it's quite handy for the other side to refuse to see that, isn't it?


So I guess the whole "What Would Jesus Do" movement is just rubbish. When it gets right down to the brass tacks, Christians are every bit as much the political opportunists as those they stand against. Being "born again" means nothing since the standard of behavior in the church is now what the worst of the "unsaved" are doing.

Thank you for clarifying that. So much for the "you need religion to be moral" argument.


You have deliberately mischaracterized the point. Folks are trotting out Tiller's murderer as an indictment on thousands of others that have nothing whatsoever in common with him and claiming the moral high ground as people who would never devalue the death of a person in defense of their beliefs. It's complete garbage. I wasn't asserting that that makes it okay for people on the pro-life side of the issue to excuse his murder, rather that some of those pro-aborts shaking their fingers at them are just as guilty.


You have deliberately mischaracterized the point. complains Natty who then goes on to mischaracterize the people he opposes as 'pro-aborts'. Thanks for keeping it classy, Natty.

What I said was true, how am I mischaracterizing? Perhaps you can see what I don't?

~ Natalie

Last edited by nattyjk, Jun/2/2009, 4:03 pm

Holy cow, it's a girl!!!
Jun/2/2009, 3:56 pm Link to this post Send Email to nattyjk   Send PM to nattyjk
Michael D Profile
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Registered: 09-2005
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Re: The murder of the abortionist Dr. Tiller

I have run into these "American Taliban" loons too and I don't know how to argue with people who are so self-deluded that they cannot distinguish between someone doing sidewalk counseling or saying the rosary at an abortion clinic and someone who oppresses...terrorizes... Wait a minute, they don't even know the difference between the Taliban and Al-Queda. They aren't interchangeable.

Nothing by force, but everything by charity.

Ss. Thomas Aquinas and Augustine, pray for us.
Jun/2/2009, 5:11 pm Link to this post Send Email to Michael D   Send PM to Michael D
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Registered: 09-2005
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Re: The murder of the abortionist Dr. Tiller

Well, in fairness, those quoted comments were not from either of these particular posters (I found them in response to an article in The Washington Post), but were meant to illustrate my point. What I don't understand is the charge that I was mischaracterizing some on the pro-abortion side of the fence.

Holy cow, it's a girl!!!
Jun/2/2009, 5:14 pm Link to this post Send Email to nattyjk   Send PM to nattyjk
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Registered: 09-2005
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Re: The murder of the abortionist Dr. Tiller

This person who thinks you are a guy is upset that you used the word pro-abort rather than pro-choice.

Nothing by force, but everything by charity.

Ss. Thomas Aquinas and Augustine, pray for us.
Jun/2/2009, 5:18 pm Link to this post Send Email to Michael D   Send PM to Michael D
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Registered: 09-2005
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Re: The murder of the abortionist Dr. Tiller

Funny how that gets their goats, isn't it?

Holy cow, it's a girl!!!
Jun/2/2009, 11:01 pm Link to this post Send Email to nattyjk   Send PM to nattyjk
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Registered: 09-2005
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Re: The murder of the abortionist Dr. Tiller

The debate continues:

I follow Erin's Catholic blog and she is a guest blogger on that site while the owner is out of town. She is really getting nailed over there.

Holy cow, it's a girl!!!
Jun/3/2009, 12:58 pm Link to this post Send Email to nattyjk   Send PM to nattyjk
Michael D Profile
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Registered: 09-2005
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Re: The murder of the abortionist Dr. Tiller

She and others seem to be holding their own.

Nothing by force, but everything by charity.

Ss. Thomas Aquinas and Augustine, pray for us.
Jun/3/2009, 1:42 pm Link to this post Send Email to Michael D   Send PM to Michael D
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Registered: 09-2005
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Re: The murder of the abortionist Dr. Tiller

Her latest response wasn't up when I posted that. They weren't even giving her a chance to respond to a post before they posted another attack. I'm going to read what she said now.

Last edited by nattyjk, Jun/3/2009, 2:33 pm

Holy cow, it's a girl!!!
Jun/3/2009, 2:29 pm Link to this post Send Email to nattyjk   Send PM to nattyjk
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Registered: 09-2005
Posts: 445
Re: The murder of the abortionist Dr. Tiller

Well, Michael, you'll love this little gem:


Using the word pro-abortion instead of pro-choice is inflammatory because the words do not mean the same thing."

At least someone finally said it, I guess.

Holy cow, it's a girl!!!
Jun/4/2009, 10:53 am Link to this post Send Email to nattyjk   Send PM to nattyjk
Michael D Profile
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Registered: 09-2005
Posts: 2111
Re: The murder of the abortionist Dr. Tiller

I agree. Pro-choice does not have any meaning at all since it is an incomplete construction. Free to choose to do what exactly?

Nothing by force, but everything by charity.

Ss. Thomas Aquinas and Augustine, pray for us.
Jun/4/2009, 11:30 am Link to this post Send Email to Michael D   Send PM to Michael D

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